July, already? Fourth of July weekend felt like it should have been Memorial Day Weekend! Where is the summer going? My little baby boy is now officially a toddler (sniff sniff), turning 1 last week. And much to my disbelief, I am already 20 weeks along in this pregnancy. Half way, woot woot! I summarize this part of the pregnancy with the phrase, "gaining pounds, losing speed." What phrase would characterize your life right now? Between the heat and the belly, I'm losing steam when it comes to my workouts, growing more tired by the day. But it feels good to continue to at least show up, just not pushing myself as much. I continue to learn what it means to have both awareness of my body and listen to what it's telling me. Yesterday it told me that it needed ice cream!
As I mentioned, I'm 20 weeks along, which means we had 'the big ultrasound.' Thankfully, baby looked healthy and we saw lots of appropriately formed parts, fingers, toes, spine, legs, arms, nose, and one definite penis! Yes, we are having another boy! For those of you that remember, I cried when they told me Ben was a boy. It was mostly because I come from a family of 3 girls and I had absolutely no idea about boys. Yes, I married a man, but boys? I didn't have a clue and I always pictured myself being the mom of a little girl. Apparently, God had another idea in mind for our family, as I'm about to become the mom of not one, but 2 boys! Now that I know Ben and the delight that he is each and every day, I can't imagine it any other way. But I'm still spending a good deal of time these days contemplating what it means to be the mom of two boys. Only time will tell!
One thing I know to be certain is that if the second is anything like Ben, it will mean lots of activity and even more loads of dirt! Ben proves over and over again his love for the elements, particularly earth and water.
He makes a beeline towards anything with water, the dog dish, the toilet, a water bottle, he can't get enough! And the dirt, well, he loves to play in the dirt.
The camping weekend was an adventure in and of itself, attempting to get a 1 yr old to go to sleep in a tent when it's still light out, dogs are barking, older kids are laughing and playing, and people are talking right outside of that tent.
It strikes me as funny to see how my definition of an adventure has morphed throughout the years. For now, three nights camping while 5 months preggo and with a 1 yr. old, qualifies as an adventure. For me, so long as there is an element of the outdoors and an element of challenge, I am happy. I am a better wife, mom, and friend, when adventure is somehow infused into my life. That is one thing I have learned this year.
That being said, we will embark on another big adventure in a few weeks, a 9 hour road trip and 3 day trip on a house boat on Lake Powell. Things on the list to buy: lots of snacks and a life vest that fits a 17 pounder! And for now, we live into the little adventures of everyday life, like getting creative with our veggies from our CSA and that of that of transitioning from bottle to sippy cup and infant car seat to big boy convertible seat. Summer is flying, life is full of adventure, just the way I like it!
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